Thursday, July 26, 2018

Reconvening the Diabetes Workgroup

Our Diabetes Workgroup reconvened  on Monday, July 23rd to revisit our successes over the past several years and begin considering where and how we want to move forward with CHIP 2.0. 

There are a couple of major changes in this work since the Diabetes Workgroup first convened in 2016.  First, our result is much more intentionally focused on reducing the Black White diabetes disparity.  Second, we will be shaping what our collective community efforts will look like in regard to both structure and strategies well beyond the CHIP cycle.  It has been an ongoing challenge to "reset" health priorities and approaches every 3-4 years in our community and the intent is to create a more intentionally community led process that is not contingent on the CHA or CHIP leadership.  The YMCA and ABIPA will be convening and leading this work moving forward under the leadership of Heather Caldwell and Je'Wana Grier-McEachin. While we still need to decide exactly what this looks like, an example would be the creation of a Buncombe County Diabetes Coalition with it's own steering committee and officers. 

A few highlights of the reconvening were a clear priority to 1) focus on "boots on the ground" activities in low-income communities and communities of color; 2) increase"buy-in" / patient engagement in participating in supportive/educational programs, and 3) a refresh look at quality performance shared data that helps us tell the story of this work. You can view a copy of the meeting process work here.

The Workgroup will meet again on Monday, August 20th from 2-4 in the Cherokee Room at MAHEC and will continue meeting monthly on the 3rd Monday of each month.